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Update on Liz: Friday Sep. 6th

After another restful night, Liz was able to breathe on her own all night and throughtout the day which the doctors are very pleased with.

The Physical Therapy team was able to come in today and manually sat her up for about 20 minutes and she had extended periods of eye contact and tracking, The doctors told us that the waking up process varies from person to person, so we were very happy to be able to start to see this process begin.

We know this is going to be a day by day to full recovery but from every doctor we have talked with, they are optimistic and her fighting spirt is certainly coming through each and every day.

This will be our last post for the weekend until Monday, At that point, we will keep the updates on a section of Liz's website that we will update every night starting Monday. On Monday's update, we will be sure to detail exactly where on the site you can track her progress.

The messages and voicemails keep coming in. If you have not done so and would like to, please please do that as we will keep reading them to her especially as she progresses each day.

Thank you for being here for us. Your messages are encouraging and reading them is helping us as much as it is helping Liz. We are at Liz's bedside day and night so she always feels everyone's love.

Have a good weekend and go kiss your animals and loved ones. Life is precious!

With love and thanks, Liz's Family & Friends



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